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REIT Screener

This screen published as: BEwild

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Other Holdings: 0
Update Cycle:21 days
From to .
Screen Description
GRP: Symbol List (show/hide)
DEFINE _UV1 = [Rtn-2mo] * 0.25 + [Rtn-1mo] * 1.0 + [Rtn-5d] * 1.0 + [Rtn-1d] * 0.05
WHERE [Price] < [SMA-200]*1.26
WHERE [Price] < [SMA-50]*1.25
WHERE [Price] > [SMA-20]*1
WHERE [RRS-126] > -17
WHERE [RRS-21] > -35
WHERE [RRS-63] > -12
WHERE [RSI-14] < 78
WHERE [Rtn-10d] > 0.01
SORT desc [_UV1]
MTR: SPY : [RSI-14] < 69

Screen Rating (Log-in to vote):
(5 - 2 votes)

Screen Name: BEwild

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