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Volatility(VIX) Based Funds

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These funds are generally based on the VIX futures, but all are related to market volatility in some way.

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Viewing Wednesday's Closing data.

popupiPath B S&P 500 VIX S/T Futs ETNVXX96.75-5.2211.3925.9529.242.90-6.82397m
popupProShares VIX Short-Term Futures ETF VIXY96.45-5.1311.5625.6228.741.81-8.1697m
popupProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETFUVXY94.31-7.1716.5038.6237.43-6.15-30.92517m
popupProShares VIX Mid-Term Futures ETF VIXM93.31-2.853.2910.2214.351.97-1.725m
popupiPath B S&P 500 VIX Md-Trm Futs ETNVXZ93.13-3.442.7310.6013.792.24-1.422m
popupLHA Market State Tactical Beta ETFMSTB32.66-0.15-3.90-6.59-7.500.356.07523k
popupVolatility Shares 2x Long VIX Futures ETFUVIX22.31-9.9521.2050.1838.99-20.80-61.27298m
popupSimplify Volatility Premium ETFSVOL3.800.00-8.43-14.72-15.63-14.66-11.6027m
popupProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETFSVXY3.212.48-6.19-12.24-16.20-7.42-15.7291m
popupVelocity Premium Plus ETFZVOL1.962.48-3.70-12.52-20.37-15.76-16.03630k
popupVolatility Shares Short VIX Futures ETFSVIX0.554.97-12.52-24.07-33.87-23.10-48.69116m
11 symbols listed

The dynamics of Relative Strength are illustraded below for the past quarter. From this you can visualize which funds are improving on a relative basis and which are deteriorating.

5-day Intervals 21-day Intervals
Viewing Wednesday's Closing data.

Symbol 03/1203/0502/2602/1902/1102/0401/2801/2101/1301/0312/2612/1812/11
VXX 96.785.
VIXY 96.580.
UVXY 94.318.
VIXM 93.390.245.822.913.
VXZ 93.190.752.426.713.
MSTB 32.753.964.167.571.570.072.569.467.272.375.672.066.0
SVOL 3.88.910.918.618.938.632.140.021.931.838.215.723.1

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Any symbols marked with * are not shown in the data tables because they are either filtered out
by the above settings, not valid symbols, or are low volume ETF's not updated intra-day.

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